10 Ptwjs for 10 pillion ytoylt
The Open Air ELvarigelism team for fission's Reality consisted of ten students-. 5 Ameri cans. 2 kloreans. I Canadian. I EbraziLian and I African. Though We represented seVeraL coun tries. We only represented one C^od. and -Uis C>on. Jesus Christ. After a quick trip down to New York City on Saturday morning and a few hours of training. We headed out on the streets to talk to people. It only took a couple of days to realize this Was a packed Week and We Were expected to do what We had been sent out to do. \Ve presented the (gospel on the board, along With the rope trick, on average ten times a day with many conversations inbetween. Though
there Were many unaudienced board presen tations and probabLy hundreds of fruitless con versation starters, the jJoly Spirit grabbed a hold of AA people and they trusted on Christs Work for their salvation, for some, this Was the first time to share the (gospel with a stranger and for others it Was old hat. but for most of us. We realized it definitely had noth ing to do With us. Qod still, even on ONA, didn’t need anything We couLd offer. Our experience, our ease in talking to strangers, our second year knowledge. -Ue needed none of it. Ebut gra ciously. -Ue did use us that Week. ~\Vritt£n by d>eck y W\omar\
OAT 103 M'ssions Kealitu
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