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We Were given the Wonderful opportunity to interview many of the missionaries there in Ar gentina. Puring the few min utes that Pan Nuesch spent with us. he thoroughly heralded the Word of Cjod. "What was the answer to Sophie f\Z]ueLLer’s LifeP" he asked. “Well here it is." he answered as he held up her E?ible. ELvery single page had markings on it and no one passage possessed more mark ings than another. A>he trea sured the whole counsel of the W/ord of Cfod fvjr. Nuesch ex horted us to find a ministry that Loves the Word of Cfod. because that is the only way that the Work Will be accomplished. "When you start doing what you think you can’t do. you are doing the work of the Lord." -Uis son Pan. now a missionary with Word of Life and still in his twenties, said, “Wtien you are surrounded by the Work of £fod, it is impossible to stay out of the work of Lfod What a testimony this family possesses! finally, L>onya. a missionary wife, deeply touched our hearts with this soli tary statement. "Never be afraid of saying Yes’ to the will of Cfod, only be afraid of saying No " We are all so grateful to Cfod for those unforgettable eight days! ~E>y tikeLs (garland
Pave freeman
Nic^Ls (garland and translator talking with girls
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Lindsay Stene with Argentinian girls
Chris Padot with child
ELrik 6kaarland and Javi Piaz
Alison Parana
Jenni Piaz
Chris &owles shares the rope trick with some kids with the help of his translator Javi Piaz.
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