Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

' The leve ef Christ inW ________________________ __________ _______________________________

We Were able to Learn Very Valuable and desired Lessons on this trip. \Ve Learned of servant Leadership by just certain individuals stepping

up to Lead and exhert us. \Ve Learned of disdpLeship and aLL that entails With cur dear brother in Christ, K/jattheW L>tone. \\/e Learned of mercy and hew it is important to accept people as they are fer

the joining together of the bcdy of Christ. Needless to say, We have deeply grcWn in grace, Wisdem, and knowledge of our blessed Lord 6aVi or, Jesus Christ! It Was AK/|AZlN<^ to see Clod's hand Lead all the Way. ~ Written £>/: Theresa fburten Sit m m _________________________________________________________________________:_________________________________________ __



h/jeLedy h/jiLLermen

hen ydhinson

voiktvriii StvLfcn'k.fc before the trip 1was in the mindset

before We got to Quebec. 1thought that our main ministry was geing to be

that Quebec being se clese te America focusing on epen air evangelism on the wasn't reaLLy a missiens trip, but then r streets of Quebec, which we did <do. In yeu realize hew big it truLy is. The deing that We did get to see some of Language is the same but they knew the fruits of our Labor. \Ve were able Little ef (fed se it makes it difficult. A to spend a Lot of time with N/|att A>tene let ef (Christians have the view that whe was saved on the streets and everyene knews abeut <Cfed. 0>ut the stayed with us the remainder of the peepLe in Quebec den t even knew that trip and We were able t o do a sort of Cfod exists and this was a big hinder- !V shert term discipleship with him. In ance. Were abLe to work alet with £ the end We did mere werk in churches churches. In ministering te them we then en the street. \Ve Were able to were able te excite them with and te

Theresa burton

Cfeorge Anthony and iCeith Martin

encourage and build up the churches and be mere ef a Light te their yeuth greups.

the Word ef Cfod.


CtanLey kfone praying with students

Witteria Ctokarska

ben tZobinson and tvjatt Ctone

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