6achike J-liguchi gets mentally ready during some Warm-ups befere the game.
from bumps to spikes. Lindsay 5tone makes a great team member.
Verenica Lrwin sets the ball for an attack or\ the eppesing team. PanieLLe Ivjergan takes te heart sacrificing her bedy fer the team.
fro nt \ZoW-. Vernica E.rwin. &rittany C^onzalez, and PanieLle Morgan. Middle ReW: lLathryn Jones. iJannah Andersen, ApriL E>ack ReW: E>ecky W\oman. A>adiik o 1-liguchi. Lindsay Stone. B>ethany W/iLLiams. and Coach Annie Christ
2 C or in t ia n s 3 : 4-5 And Such Trust have we through Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
Volleyball 109 • t : - c J -------------- Mirustrcj
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