JiLL Lanser and N^attie ELrnheut cellide in a battle te see whe can be the Last Weman standing, or sitting in this Wild came ef full centact Puck Puck Choose.
Laura \Vhitcen succesfully meets a pas* and takes eff With th< ball te assist with a geal
Pani EbeLyea.
and Tiffany help Renee
tlartsman te her feet
It’s a great feeling te knew that yeu’re teammates Will always help yeu up when needed.
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The "L-lusky” Ladies seccer team had an amazing seasen. W/ith fifteen wemen, seme whem had never played seccer befere, We started the seasen. This year We Wen the first game that the \VCL£>I Wemens seccer team had ever Wen. ALtheugh as a team we didn’t get te lead anyene te the Lerd. We had many eppertunities te share eur faith With the ether teams. It Was alse amazing te see hew much Led werlced in their Lives wemens . k SBEHC i I p K pm KP YIT'&sV-' -. - 7v; ,c,v» i*. V i-
soccer. One of ihe players for \Vc?L3l actually trusted 'V/' Christ within the first Weeks ef scheel. Lindy Packard Lead the team net enLy as a ceach but alse as a friend and an example in Christ. Yeu can stiLL see the team hanging eut er playing seccer in the gym. ■
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