Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

The girls Line up in the Locker room during half­ time far a quick pep-taLk and a review of the game thus far. Coach (Jordon gives the girLs the stats to encourage them. tytats often encourage the Women to keep up a good game or motivate them to do better.



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'You know you’re on the same team, it’s not just as a

basketball team but as a ministry team’’ - Amy JJepler

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Mx biggest challenge was everyday before practice and game. W/hen I used to go to a public school, my mindset was the on game, and my own performance. t>o I just have to get my head straight, and constantly ask myseLf, "What is this forP W/hat is this aboutP It Was definitely a transitioning time from it being all about me to all about tfod. Ebecause it's not a direct ministry tour, when you come to people who are unsaved they don't just automatically run away, saying. 'That’s a <^od thing!" You can reach a Lot more people. I Loved the idea that it’s something using a taLent Cjod gave you to use for J-lim." - Ptebecca W/iley Women’s basketball ministry is a challenge that far extends beyond the physical exertion required to play a normal game. It requires dedication to serving CJod on and off the court. This is the Qrls EbasketbaLL tv]inistry.

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