NOVY CAMP Tun With-Ministry Puring SnevV Camp the student bedy aLL jeins in te provide fun and entertainment fer the campers. They Werk hard te turn eur campus inte a \\/inter Wender PLaygreund.
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Activities include; The Tube fJiLl Rumble ball, Avalanche Run, -Uerse- back riding, the Ice Chute. PaintbaLL, Snewmebiles, Ice jJeckey, basket-ball, Velley-ball, and Pedgeball and Cutdeer feetbaLL. As the student bedy pulls together the experience ef SneW Camp becomes an adventure that ne ene WiLl seen ferget.
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A licole garland with a few ef her anew campers, is pictured Certainty, what really makes Cnew Camp is the attitude and leve ef the ceuseler
tWse-back riding is ene ef the many activities avalibLe te the campers during their busy Weekend.
The I ce Chute is ene of the favorite sites on the campus.
e sneWj asset|te mg camp ana Lets oj fun! The campefe are able te race areund a course speciaLy - designed just for them.
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—N 118 .‘Snow C amp * -ii.
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