Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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to see Christ’s Love shine through these faithful stewards and by (fod’s grace some of these kids realize how real Christ is. Salvation is what

This Winter quarter over 3 .5 0 0 teenagers journied to the snowy Adirondacks from all over America for a jam-packed Weekend of fun in

the snow. £jod uses these Weekends to Work in the young peoples’ Lives to spread the CJood News of Christ. As the population of \\/CLE>l increases, the number of activities increases as Well. The b.l. students spend these almost sleepless Weekends as counselors or doing speciaL Work

C>noW Camp is all about. ELveryone inVoLved With Snow Camp Would agree that the best part of their Weekend is Watching campers make the most important decision of their Lives- trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an uplifting experience to see the E>.l. campus transform each friday

assignments that heLp Snow Camp run smoothly. Counselors have the chance to spend a total of AQ hours pouring out their hearts into the Lives of their campers. These campers get

and see the students become empowered to do the Lord's work. No matter what, Cj’od can use 8 unforgettable Weekends to change the Lives of those seeking saLvation.

before the big game, a group of campers joing to show everyone how tough they really are. Ice football, is one of the favorite activities among the male popu­ lation at Snow Camp.

A group of Snow Camp staff Wait for the campers to arrive every Weekend. It’s nice to be greeted by such friendly faces, first impressions are always the most important.

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