'Working Toaether to better \Verk, Without getting paidP
T f l t n j j U S ef sneW eff the sideWalksP \Verk assignments, while net enly keeping Werd ef Life’s tuitien lewer, have previded anether avenue fer students te glerify (fed in every area ef their Lives. Werk assignments are net always WenderfuL but in the hearts ef the students it is a higher calling feund in CeLessians 3:23- 24 “W/hateVer yeu de, de yeur Werk heartily, as fer the Lerd rather than fer men, knewing that frem the Lerd yeu Will receive the reward ef the inheritance. It is the Lerd Christ whem yeu serve.’’
It’s a concept that seems foreign, strange, and e\/en slightly harsh especially te college students desperate fer meney. \Vhat scheel ferces students te bear the heavy lead ef heurs ef classWerk, projects, studying, and then requires them te participate in 6-1 0 heurs ef Werk each Week, Witheut benefitsP \VeLceme te \Verd ef Life 3ible Institute's werk assignment pregram. 6>e why de yeu hear peepLe singing as they sweep eut the Jack Wyrtzen Center, and see the smiles ef these sheVeling anether meund
(fro und Crew J t t f 0\lerhoVt. Brianna Nutter, and Brittany \Zogers chose their fa\4?ritt tool, and pose for the camera.
W oric /Assignments 125
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