\\/eLceme Center
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1. T o ur nese nair freezes Within seconds of being out side. 2. Every ether Werd is preceded With the excLamatien "YEAU ( insert Werd)!" 3. Yeu have te drive a half an heur te de anything. A. Y<?ur idea ef fine dining is Pizza frem N/lebil. 5. Yeu think a night eut consists ef sitting in yeur car hunched ever a laptep. 6. Yeu ge te the dining haLL and say, “Wait, didn’t I have this yesterdayP’ 7- It’s Saturday and yeu’re still Wendering when the Weekend is ceming. 8. Yeu talk te a girL in the snack shack fer 2.0 minutes, and suddenLy eVeryene co ngratulates yeu en yeur engagement. 9- The JJappy 3irthday seng became a three mevement renditien. 1 0. You ge te the Jack \Vrytzen Center te take a
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The 3tuart Page Administratien 3uilding is ene ef the mest used buildings en the New Yerk campus. Upstairs yeu wiLL find, R.ic (garland, the Dean Ctaff. and eur Resident Prefessers. Dewnstairs the mail reem keeps aLL the students up te date en the weekly happenings, and the laundry facilities helps keep all students Leeking fresh!
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