Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005


A Tfl.le.nt so Kfl.ro

\Vhen you go through the Ebible Institute and start to get to knew the ether students yeu begin te realize that there are a let ef talented peeple that ge te this scheeL The \Verd ef Life CO f f LL JOUJE is a great eppertunity fer these musically inclined students te display the talents that Cjed has given them, students are given the chance te give back te

Cfed by using their gifts te bring gLery and hener te -Liim. It aLse prevides ether students with a place te reLax and have felleWship. students are free te ceme, sit en ceuches. sip seme refreshments frem The ELmbers. and Listen te praises effered te (fed. It is truly a blessing te see students peur eut their hearts threugh Werd and seng.

Jen Custer. Ivjelody tvjillermon. Jeanette Curry, and Alison Parana, sip on a taste ice coffee made by XvCLEbfs own fbarista, Chris DeEbar.

W/ith Julie Carlow at the keyboard kfC Cfonzalez. K/jarcos EsteVes, and Jen Cfalvacky playing on their ecialized guitars, and Jam Jeanriehard on the drum <this group is one of high demand when it comes to playing far Coffee U^use. They are aisa kn#W as the officaL JnoW Camp Worship Eband.

A crowd gathers to be entertained by the preformers. Every Coffee liouse Was packed to capacity With the friends and fans of our talented W/CLEbi students. ee 126

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