Pan LeWrie a.k.a. "Pananda” makes a geed medel fer a Mexican musician. (Left) The Impact Team are singing their hearts eut te Cfod. It is great te see hew the Lord can teuch hearts through seng. (bettem)
jJarry Ebellback plays the accerdien with enthusiasm whiLe Tern Phillips sings with him. These twe sure do knew hew te draw a crewd! (abeVe) Jehn Park. Jen Cfab/acky. and Pen ELger enjey the selectien the K/jissien’s Con ference banquet has te effer. (Left)
The quartet frem Paraguay wership the Lerd with their aweseme talents. (Left)
fyliss!ons Coherence ICb1 nf- I i{-r'
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