Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005


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Chilcett C>arah jJetchkiss pese together for a pic­ ture in frent of the Warm fireplace at Word of Life Inn. fo r many these are memories that Will stay with them for years te ceme. and

Daniel Youngblood Laughs as he tries on his dates high heels. t>orr/ Prince Charming, this must net be yeur CindereLLa.

klatie Thibault and Derek lJummel, pese fer a kedak me- ment at the beginning ef the big night.

peautiful and skiLLful Ivjaghen I |~icedman gees fer a spike in an im- premptu game ef ping peng.

C>am Jeanrichard defies the miles, taking a picture ef his girlfriend (currently in Germany) as his date

Valentines 131

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