Three days eut ef the Week, the entire stu dent bedy gathers together fer a time ef Worship, teaching eut ef the Werd ef Cfed, and spiritual chal lenge. Quest speakers ceme in frem aLL ever the Werld, and alse frem deWn the street at headquar ters. te share their heart and (fed’s Werd. Oama’s meVe us and make us step and think. Music teams Lead us in passienate praise te eur Wavier. It’s a time ef refreshment and healing. It’s a place where (fed has meved time and time again in peeple’s hearts and transfermed peeple’s Lives. If anything it just Wakes us up - and reaches inte eur Lives te fecus us. This is W/erd ef Life Chapel
Ric (farland is see n here giving a message to the stu dents. It is always nice to have the director ef the NY Bdble Institue speak at eur chapel services.
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their hearts eut te the Lerd. Ne matter where me pLerida ueuegians sing ge the Cellegians WiLL always have a
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