bright sunshine. Warm breezes, beautiful flewers, and graceful paLm trees are part ef the scenery en the campus of W/erd of Life bible Institute FLerida Lxtensien! It all started in 1997 with 75 students. Cince then, ever QOO students have ceme te learn (fed's \Verd and grew in their Walk with the Lerd. The campus has changed dramatically in these 8 years! They have added a new 5 00 seat classreem building, the (feerge Theis Assembly Center and expanded the Lehmann Ctrauss Library. Plans are in hand te add twe new dermiteries in the near future. There are many ways te get inVeLved in sperts en the flerida Campus. C>perts facilities include basketball VelleybaLL and tennis ceurts, an CLympic sized swimming peeL a seccer field, skate park, Lew repes ceurse, paint baLL ceurse. climbing teWer, a geLf driving range, and a Waterside. The \Verd ef Life Cenference Center is anether area where students Werk in heusekeeping or feed service fer eur guests. The Cenference Center buildings have a beautiful view everleeking a smaLL Lake. It has 75 reems fer cenference guests and serves hundreds ef meals each year.
Cights 8 Ceunds ef Christmas” and 'The Passien PLay." Cellegians frem beth the NY campus and fL campus unite te perferm en stage and present the (fespel te the many whe attend these preductiens. Cince this ministry started in fTerida, We have seen ever 19 0.000 guests attend these preductiens and ever A,000 salvatien decisiens! he tlarry Shellback Performing Arts Cenier is a 125(9 seat auditorium where Coapel Productions present ‘The
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