I . Cfuys Dorms 2 . The 3iblc Institute Commons is the lo cation of the Pining room. Library and a number of the Peans’ 6taff. 'Tom's Perch” is a recent addition to the Lemmens which provides eutdeer seating far meals. 3. This year we have added a “snack shak“ area in the Lanai by the peeL This is a great place te hang eut. have yummy snacks and play table games, ping peng. or try beating K/]r. IngerseLL in a game of pool. A. Cfal's Perms
H i
1. Yeu think that frest en the greund is a heavy snew.
2. Yeur faVerite pastime is alligator chasing.
3. Yeu WaLk intc? the cemmens and the temperature gees up 80 degrees.
Jar *
A. Yeu smell nething but bug repellant en the Way te class.
eOftG.B* THw**
5. kj’irls in skirts ride their Leng beards te class.
6. Yeu think that yellew snew is the slushy ef the day.
7. Yeu skim beard en the VelleybaLL ceurt.
8. Yeur scheel bird is the WCLEbl chicken (Sandhill Crane).
9- Walking in circles takes en a wheLe new meaning.
The Cfe^rge Theis Assembly Center Was built fer the purpose ef a much needed classreem fer the pTerida students. This building is a great asset te the campus, and Was dedicated in hener ef the former Werd ef Life Director. Cfeerge Theis.
1C. The biggest meuntain yeu see is Meunt Ziemer.
F lorida
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