Hannah, How do we beqin to share [the qreat love u>e have for qou? It is hard to believe |that qou are an upcominq sophomore in colleqe We have been so blessed bq qour love, and the manq memories Ithat we will forever cherish God has blessed qou with a beautiful smile and an out~ qoinq personalitq that blesses so manq people God has
worked in qour life so much this qear at Word of Life He has tauqht qou manq thinqs, some of which are trials
qou had to face, but we have seen God's strenqth in qou We are so verq proud of the fine Christian woman qou are. Alwaqs keep God first in qour life and let Him direct qour path. ‘Remember that we will alwaqs love qou and will alwaqs be here for qou Love Alwaqs. Pad & Worn Ts 25Z4-5; ?s 37:4
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Dear Mark: It is our joy and delight to see you grow in your love and knowledge of the Word of God. In your two years at WOLBI, you have developed a passion to know Him more deeply and a strong desire to share Christ with others. It is our prayer that as you
continue down the path you have begun, that you remember your foundation and stay focused on your goals. Mark, you are a wonderful, sincere young man whom God is going to use in a mighty way. We love you and support you with all our heart. Mvfti fowl Ptv{
Mark Jeffers
[ erspective 147 1 7TA
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