Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

klirby Angell 43(94 4Lenn iligh Road Winston-Salem. NC 271(97 ALLyson Anthony 132(9 Steven Smith Prive Joliet. IL 60431 Qeorge Anthony 132(9 Steven Smith Prive Joliet. IL 60431 kleLLi Argot 196(9 Cagney \\/ay Sacramento. CA 9 5 8 3 5 Cory Armbrecht 1427 Charley ililL Road Schroon Lake. NY 12870 Pa\/id Armbrecht 1427 CharLey JJiLL Road Schroon Lake. NY 12870 Christina Arrington 11501 Painted Tree Road Charlotte. NC 28226

Cheryl 3aker 11402 NL 112th Street kCirkLand. W/A 98033 Amy 3allard 856 4reen klnoll Prive Jacksonville. fL 32221

ELmily 3ellin 12 3igelow Avenue Pundee. NY 14837 Panielle 3eLyea 135 iligh Street 3ath. Nil 03740

Russell Abel 101 Scholar Road CJTyton. C\A 31312

Matthew Adamo 625(9 Wynmoor Prive Cicero. NY 13(939 Johna Adams 3391 Pine Street tCingston. Ml 4874l ALyssa Adams 1631 Andover Road Columbus. Oil 43212 Christina Ad ams 21(9 Stony \Vay Norristown. PA 194(93 Tiffany Adams PO box 6 (Cingston. N/JI 4874l 3 re t t Al len 4613 CJoodrich Road 3ellevue. N/|I 49(921 Joshua Almeida 396 Lonsdale Avenue Pawtucket. R.I 0 2 8 6 0

M^lbsa 3anaszak

Rodrigo 3ender

3604 \VesLey Avenue 3erWyn, IL 60402

Vereador Antonio Lindolfo daSilva. 36 Novo ilamburgo. RS 93344330 Ebrazil

klenneth 3aratta 4l0 Landau Prive Maryville. TN 37801



2018 iJeather Road Anderson. IN 46012


Michael 3are



7126 Tapper Avenue ilammond. IN 46324

375 Union Avenue Apt 2 Providence. Rl 02909

Nicholas 3arker

Ashley 3erube

1 »

3855 Mayfield Avenue NEL 64 Waterman Avenue

1 • 11

Cfrand Rapids. Ml 49525

North Providence. Rl 029M

1 !

Laurie 3arnard

3enjamin 3est 983 \\/ilson Court

44 Cfreengrove Lane ilanson. MA 0234l


W/arrington. PA 18976


PanieL Arthur 10405 fu l le r Road Remsen. NY 13438

3enjamin 3arnes

Caleb 3itting

6098 M^adowbreeze Street North 3ranch. Ml 4846l

6081 Long Pond Prive 3irdsboro. PA 19508

Joye 3arnhart

See Arthur

SiLvia 3Lacud

8231 Terrace Court Pinckney. Ml 48169

9 AAA Prospect R.<?ad Remsen. NY 13438

2905 \\/iLLston PL Apt 102 falls Church. \/A 22044

Christine Andersen 208 Summit Avenue

Anthony 3arone 289 ilillside Ter.

Mandi Atkins

Marissa 3lauert

1 1 1 I 1 t 1 1

6696 Philip Lane Wooster. Oil 44691

fo r t Washington, PA 19034

26 Township Line Road Schwenksville. PA 19473

Staten Island. NY 10308

jJannah Andersen 23645 County tlwy E_ Mason. Wl 54856 ELric Anderson 46 3ennington Street Springfield. N/J A 01108 Sarah Anderson PO 3ox 741 LatonviLLe. W/A 98328 Pennis Andrews 3l4 Charles Street Scranton. PA 18508

Rebecca 3arr

Rebekah 3ooher

333 Reeves M*LL Road Sutherlin. \/A 24594

5150 ilazel Street finleyville. PA 15332

1 1 1 i » 1

PaVid 3oone

ELLisha Ebarrieau

146 LLmWood Street M^ksville. NC 27028

PO 3ox 123

Puane 3agLey 10134 l6th Road Apt 8 Argos. IN 46501 3enjamin 3aker 36 3elden Ryan Road 3erkshire, NY 13736

WeVertoWn. NY 12886

ilannah 3ormann

Jessica 3ecker s' 6239 s Abbott Road Orchard Park. NY l4l27

522 Lafayette Street

Ionia. Ml 48846



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1 1

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