klat J<?nes PO &<?x 105 Renfrew. PA 16053 James J^yce 246 Turpin street PanVille. \/A 2454l
Jennifer klidder 139 Sunceek X/alley Read 3arnstead. NiJ 03218 Amanda klilceLLins PO 3ex 217 Mars ilill. Jack kliLtz 283 Unien Street ilackensack. NJ O 76 OI 0 4 7 5 8
Ae (Tee Ju Se^ng-ji Apartment 101-1208 ULsan 681-755 klerea Lily Jung 734-1 ll apjung Peng City Iklyenggide 450-831 klerea
Joshua Ja 2
ilannah klim klunmun APT 209/102 klyeungkide 4 5 0 -7 0 6 k lerea ilenry klim 2 Peng Ubcgib. S. klerea 403-080 Rey klim 223-8 Sakekri Changanmyun klyungkide. S. klerea 445-942 Jeey klim Apar tmemt Osan. S. klerea AA~/-~/^>^>
Nichelas kladick 2420 Perter Read 3ear. PEL 197^1 Yehane klaphesi Naketamu X/iLLage Nsanje. Tanzania Steve klapusta 52 \X/hitbeck Read llellew. NY 12046 Alexandra klaufman Mil Canal street CViede. fL 32765
Seth klitchen 403 Seneca Ceurt W/eedsteck. A A 30188 Piana klirtland 820 3rixham dead Celumbus. 0 iJ 43204
What can 1say about ths year othe than it was the best year l have eve had. I had the pnvelage of beini part of the 2004-2005 WOLBT N Yearbook Staff. I pray that this yeai book reflects all the unforgetabl memories, amazing experieces, am of all the love of our Savio esus Christ. He was the biggest ir fluence in this whole project. I hop with all my heart that He is honored by all of our hard work. God bles ind bullet proof marshmfllb^slM
Teri klLine 1459 Jump Scheel ileuse Rd felten. PEL 19943 Lindsey 4night 2701 N Centennial St Apt L iligh Peint. NC 27265 Timethy klnight 75 Casen Crescent \Varragul. Australia 3820 Sae kleakutsu 3-21-15 Ikebukurehenche Teshimaku. Tekye 170-001 Japan
Carr ie klauffman 13826 3eech Read 3eurben. IN 49504 Nicholas kleeler 206 Cyr Read LittLeten. Nil 0 3 5 6 l SparkLe kleiter 133 Nerth Lecust street PaLmyra. PA \~/0~/Q Jennifer klelly 4214 XX/aterview Prive X/icksburg. N/]I 49097
E_ric kleelbl 3325 X/aLLey Crest X\/ay Ferest CJYeVe. 0\Z. 97 ll6
Jeshua kleLse 8 3eech Crescent Larbert. Stirlingshire fkl5 3ELY Scotland
Stanley klene PO 3ex 2183 3eneke. NCP Papua New (guinea
JuLianne klennedy PO 3ex 2045 \Vhite Salmen. WA 9 8672
C j -L 153
l 1 "
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