Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

Yutaro l^obaLjahij Osaka, Japan. (frewing up in the fast paced Werld ef Japan. Yetare IdYbayashi never knew abeut Jesus Christ and the LeVe Lie came te effer the Werld. It Wasn't until

junier high that his aunt, a new Christian began tell­ ing him the geed news ef the (fespel. Yetare Wasn’t sure hew he felt abeut Christian teachings, yet he ceuldn't step thinking abeut hew big and pewerful this (fed must be. tJe ceuldn't imagine (fed; he Was tee big. tee abstract, ilewever, in time Yetare began te ask mere questiens, and with the answers he started te see the effect that Christ had en ethers and he Wanted te experience that as Well. -Ue began te see that Chris­ tianity Wasn’t giving up Life but gaining an abundant

Life. Then when Yutare turned l6 years eLd his aunt shewed him a videe ef \Verd ef Life 5ummer Camp, tie theught that geing te the camp Weuld be a geed eppertunity te Learn mere abeut the American cuLture and the [English Language. After Watching the staff at the camp his whele perspective abeut

(fed and Christianity tetally changed, tie finally beLieVed that there ceuld be semeene as great as (fed. The Japanese staff at the camp teek time teaching Yutare hew he ceuld make (fed the persenal SaVier ef tlis Life. That Week Yutare did just that, and ever since then his Life as shewn a big difference. Of ceurse he had struggles, ene being te cempletely surrender his Life ever te Christ te accempLish tlis glery. tie knew in erder te de that he had te Let ge ef his plans ef geing te a prestigieus ceLLege in Japan and ge after what (fed Wanted. Lven theugh Yutare had Limited knewledge ef the Ebible, and altheugh he had streng eppesitien frem his parents he centinued his efferts te Learn mere and persisted te find a Way te church. I Wanted te ceme te the Ebl te mature in my faith and so that I Weuld ne Lenger be a half and half Christian." Yutare is seeking after what (fed wants fer his Life, and is alse Werking te be a Living testimeny te his parents.

£>o Mee Al™ lOjotOj Japan

Eweryene whe meets Ebe N/|ee, LeVes her. -Uer quick smile, sweet spirit and unique persenaLity are just a few ef the things that make her Ebe K/jee. Living halfway acress the Werld. Ebe f\/|ee traveled te W/CL&I frem her heme in Japan where her parents are statiened as missionaries. ALtheugh she has always been under the influence ef a Christian family, B>e tree's persenal walk With (fed did net take eff until Later, “I always Wanted a geed reLatienship With people, but never really werried abeut my persenal reLatienship With (fed" \\/hen Ebe \J\ees father made the decisien te reLecate his famiLy frem their heme in klerea te the missien field in Japan, the transitien preVed hard fer Ebe N/|ee. "There Were so I many pressures because I Was so different. I Was Idlerean, but I Was alse a Chris-

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3 & C0fW\0r tian. |f | ever made a mistake, I shamed my aLW3y5 fn?m C\Od..’’ ^ m a m e bcceme fake." This fakery blinded her te the need fer Christ in her ewn Life. It Wasn’t until age 18 that £>e N/|ee’s pride faded and she finaLLy reaLized her need te step Living en her parents faith, and make it persenal fer herself. Ebe N/|ee new Wants te use her previeus situatiens fer (feds glery. -Uer heart gees eut tewards the missienary kids whe experience the pressures ef censtant change, simple LifestyLes and never quite fitting inte the surreunding areund them. She hepes te centinue her educatien back in iderea after her year at the Ebl, and teach ELngLish te high scheel students. In everything she acknewledges the cemfert ef the Lerd that has carried her thus far.

famiLy and myself in twe Ways.

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