Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005


Ian Rush 15 \VaLtham \Vay Ivybridge. PeVon PL2I0YF Lngland

Perek Sennett 23 E-dgewood Road Cortlandt Manor. NY 10567

klasey Rising l64 \\/estmore Prive Panville. VA 2454l Miriam Ritchie \0A Atlantic Avenue York Springs. PA 17572 Pamaris Rivera AO~/G Seton Avenue 3ronx. NY 10466 Jared Roberge 21 Caeser Prive Bristol. CT 060l(9 Frank Roberts 903 North Lmily Street Ludington. Ml 49431 3enjamin Robertson 8317 PaLma Vista Lane Tampa. FL 336l4 3onnie Robertson 7 5 4 jJanson s Ridge Road SpringVale. ML 04083 Chelsae Roby l6l4 North Main Street FindLay. Oil 45840 Roque Rodriguez 14221 S\V 28th Street Miami. FL 33175 James Roe 58855 Chelsielee Court Elkhart. IN 46516 3rittany Rogers 6432 NC 6l North TibsonVille. NC 27249 Leann Rondy 133 Scenery Prive Morgantown. \VV 26505 3en Roscup 9 6 7 4 Steuben Valley Road Llolland Patent. NY 13354 Matt Rowley 15 Lester Street LongmeadoW. MA 01028

12.ose Pullen 317 Manahawkin TrL l3rowns MilLs. Nj (98(915 3iLL Purcell 14 North Ma‘n Street Perry. Nil (93(938____


Lane Sheats 24(9 E>oyd Road

Aaron Ryssemus 175 Village Lane Tray. TN 37615 ' Panielle Ryssemus 175 Village Lane (^ray. TN 37615'


ViLLa Rica. TA 30180

Chris Shiffer 2l4l Seipstown Road FogelsVille. PA 18051


kCi-Llyeh Shin Osan iTyungkCi-do. Osan City South iTorea A-Young Shin YangJung Poung Jin-T^ Pusan. South iTorea 6l4-C5l

Nicole Ranck 1(992 Steffy Road Stevens. PA I757& Joe Rand I Lori Lane Lakeville. MA (92347 Jonathan Randall 6490 M^Lport Road llamiLton. NY 13346 Stefanie Ray 16633 Old 3en Road Johnston City. IL 62951 Alec Regalado 16612 SL 4(9th PI EbelleVue. \VA 98(9(98 Philip Regner 5990 Trove JJiLL Road Frederick. MO Christopher Regnier 4l6 E_ Marsha11 street Marion. IN 46952 Caleb Reynolds 35(95 strawberry Road Chatham. VA 24531 Porothy Richards 1329^ M'tten Lane Spring JJiLL. FL 34609 lYelly Richards 11350 Vabasis Avenue NEL Rockford. Ml 49341

M<suy Saechao 2549 Capella Street Redding. CA 96002

M’mdy Shoultz


PO 3ox 855 Vrangell. AlT 99929


Pavid Saelee 1835 llartnell Avenue Apt 174 Redding. CA 96002

Elizabeth 5hr ocV.


917 South Indiana Avenue Toshen. IN 46526

Paolo Sanjaun 30 P Vest 34th Street 3ayoone. Nj 0y002 Chris Sawdon PO 3ox 6 00 Schroon Lake. NY 12870 Paniel Saxton PO 3ox 425 Valker Valley. NY 12588

Rachel Shubert


7545 3uhman Road Zionsville. PA 18092

Sam Sickel 16 State E-t 284 Apt 2 Sussex. NJ 07461

Joshua Silva 1(9039 Vinding Lake Road Apt 101 Fort Lauderdale. FL 33351

FLizbet Schnugger Toftevej 10 Stenlille. 4295 Finland

M^Lina Silva ALamaeda Rubi 281 Antibaia 12949

Jon Schultz 195 Lastgate Vay Manchester. NU 03109

Mark Singleton 1(9505 Sunlight Lane LouisviLle. kCY 4(9272 E_rik Skaarland 340 SheLLstone Road Amsterdam. NY 12010 3ethany Smith l6 3rad Road Stoughton. MA 02072 Jon Smith 12146 MiLer Road Lennon. Ml 48449 iTelli Smith 4954 Lower E.dgar Road LittLe Valley. NY 14755

Ebryan Scott 78 Vhite Pine Circle Apt 202 Stafford. VA 22554

Rachel Seal 8004 North Ola Avenue Tampa. FL 33604 JaneLLe Seeley 8271 Chesterton Prive S\V 3yron Center. Ml 49315 Clifton Sellers 1379 County Line Road E_ast fowling Careen, FL 33834

James Rife 2186 \V 350 S \\/arsaw. IN 46580 Jonathan Rineer 2801 CoWpath Road ilatfield. PA 19440

Melissa Rowley 2672 County Road 30 VellsviLLe. NY 14895 Ashley Royer 185 Thomas Lane 3ellfonte. PA 16823

156 F -V

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