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Liz ^torman
New (jloucestcr, Ma|ne CoVoSS\2if\S 3 :1 -4 Leeking back ever the past few years, Elizabeth German states With cenfidence, "LleW (fed Werks is amazing! \Vitheut Llim I den’t knew where I Weuld be. ” This grace ef Ljed Was self-evident in Liz’s Life as she speke ef the struggles threugheut her highscheel years and inte her first year at the Ebl. "I shut (fed eut and turned te ether things and peepLe instead.” Eventually, (fed began te heal the years ef self inflicted scars and pain, intreducing Liz te -Uis perfect LeVe. In the Spring ef 2 OOA she dedicated her Life te the Lerd during W/erd ef Life’s preductien ef ThePassien” New Llizabeth is busy en campus Werking in the cestume department and serving With the Adirendack LLub Ministries, burdened fer the censtant changing
pressures in seciety, and en the Wemen areund her, her passien is fer Wemen te grasp the necessity
ef purity in every area ef their Lives. "It’s always the Little things that Lead te semething big.” Liz centinues te Live daily in the challenge te step eut ef her Werld ef cemfert and ultimately let ge, Walking in the pLans that (fed has set eut fer her. And threugh it all she attributes everything in her Life te the grace and peWer ef her A>aVier, "-Lie's the ene that keeps us alive frem day te day.”
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