Trov^ where They Wesew whe-rp&vc^ ’fcrouafvt The-fn- __ Tabitha Jj ooASchroon Lake, NlY. USA Che's your average \\/CLEbl student - plays basketball and seccer, has a LeVe fer these new caramel filled iJershey kisses and has a LeVe fer Ceel jJand Luke. Yet it’s her sincerity and ebvieus passien fer Christ that make her a diamend in the reugh. Tabitha grew up areund \Verd ef Life, her parents ministering in beth Tealmas, i-Jun- gry and Czech, France With W/.C.L f\/|issiens. "I’ve been blessed by grewing up in a family where my parents Were fecused on ministry.” says Tabitha. Cuch fecus has transferred inte Tabitha’s eWn Life, her heart saddened ever these in the Werld areund her. ELventualLy she hepes te Venture inte eVerseas missiens after attending a few mere years ef scheeLing. It is ebvieus that the race isn’t ever fer Tabitha, and even mere apparent that she hasn’t given up striving
fer the higher geal. Recently her desire is te be truly breken by the Lerd. “There are se many Little things I’Ve dene en the eutside. but semewhere aleng the Way I’ve fergetten the heart, tier prayer is that dfed WiLL centinuaLLy break her ever her sin and inability te de any thing eutside the grace ef her CaVier. In essence, she cheeses rejectien ef selfishness and pride fer the sake ef Christ. Ceming te such a pLace has been a jeurney. N/jest
ef her high scheel years Tabitha struggled with apa thetic Christianity; censumed With selfishness that pLagues se much ef eur generatien. Christians need a greater passion for seuls,” she stated. That Was seme- thing I defmantely didn't have in high scheel.” It Wasn’t until a summer in Czeck France that Tabitha caught the true need fer revival in yeuth. Cince then she has been dedicated te seeing the needs ef these areund her. in so many Ways, seeing them threugh the eyes ef Christ.
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