New N/|iLfard. Pennsylvania
Tyler ColV\ns
One night when TyLer Was 5 his dad came inte his reem and shared the gespeL With him. jJe reaLLy started thinking a Let abeut (fed and had guestiens abeut Christianity. Lie asked his dad the next night abeut Jesus Christ and what it meant te be Christian. That night he realized what Christ had dene fer him and he Wanted te give his Life te the Lerd. tie asked (fed te fergive him ef his sins and then trusted the Lerd as his saVier. Cince his parents Were beth W/erd ef Life missienaries he knew his wheLe Life he Was geing te ge te the Ebl. (fed Was directing him inte fuLL time ministry and geing te \\/erd ef Life WeuLd be the best fer him. Ebeing surreunded With aLL the different ministry eppertuni-
ties he WeuLd be abLe te find eut what (fed Wanted him te de in his Life. -Uis first year at
the Ebl he reaLLy get a handle en the \Verd and started te understand the Value ef just ene Verse in the £>ible. And he reaLLy Learned te appreciate the greatness ef the Ccriptures as a WheLe. This Led him te ceme te 2 nd year where he is Learning abeut the LeVe ef (fed. As he studies mere ef Ccripture it makes his LeVe fer (fed grew strenger. Je plans en geing te EbEbC and Wants te Werk teWards beceming a prefesser semeday. Jjis Life Verse is (faLatians 2.-2.0 this Verse helped him understand that We can- net de things en eur eWn. CnLy With the help ef Christ can We de any thing and aLL things. Lveryday is a new experience fer TyLer and he tries te Let (fed Werk in his Life cempLetely. TyLer effers himself ever te the Lerd daily in erder fer (fed te shape him inte the gedLy man Lie intended him te be. Jamie J oyce Psalm 119:59 says. “I theught en my Ways, and turned my feet unte thy testimeny.” Jamie Jeyce claims this Verse as his Life testimeny yet his
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Life did net always reflect it. Jamie Was bern June 5. 1986 in a seLid Christian family in PanViLLe, \/A. Ebeing cLese te his elder sister, Jamie tended te Want te de the same things as she did. Ce it was ne wen- der when his sister at age seven received Christ as her saVier that Jamie became Very curieus and started asking guestiens such as. “W/he saved yeu, and whereP". Llis parents tried te explain te him the difference between LleaVen and LleLL and his church’s paster
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teek him threugh the Peman’s R_ead. Jamie knew eneugh at five te knew that he didn’t Want te end up in heLL, but that’s has far as he get. The next five years ef his Life, he Lived thinking he was geing te heaven when he died, but he neticed there Was ne difference in his Life frem the kids he Went te scheel with. After a baseball game en W\a y 6, 1997- Jamie unwillingly accempanied his parents te an eVangeListic cenference with speaker 5aiLey Cmith. Cmith preached en the herribLeness ef heLL that night, and the mere he speke the mere empty and afraid Jamie became. untiL he realized his saLvatien had been a Lie. Censing her yeunger brethers nerVeusness. Jamie’s sister effered te Walk deWn the isLe with him, where they were met by the yeuth paster, Jeff (feiseL. That night Jamie fuLLy put his trust in Jesus Christ. "Cince then, my Life has changed and I have feund meaning in Living. As a sen ef (fed, I am te Live fer Jim and teLL ethers ef the (fespeL ef Christ."
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