Jaci faisst focuses in on the mes sage being brought by one of our resident professors. Their Lessons aren't just for the purpose of cramming more informa- I tion into our heads, but to minister to our hearts. i i *
These students are busy paying at tention to whomever is teaching. It's awesome to be able to hear so many perspectives on the Word of £jod. as Long as they stick to (fod's \Vord and not their own.
One of the biggest reasons why professor and guest lecturers teach at Word of Life \s to see the students grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. The Ebible Institute provides classes that help the students buiLd firm foundations on the rock, which is the Word of Cfod. The focus of each class is to help the students have a deeper appreciation of the E>ible. first year's main focus is on biblicaL training; students study Theology. E>ible Purvey, and specific books of Scripture, first year cLasses give the students a greater understanding of individual books, expounding and applying the truth to their Lives. Second year's main focus is on ministry and they build upon the biblical principles that they Learned in first year to enhance their future ministry. Classes such as Piscipleship, Apologetics, and Lbible -Ctudy K/jethods give the second year a new perspective on the Lord’s Work in their lives. The teachers at Word of Life bring to the classroom Wisdom forged through years of study in the Word of Cfod. This Wisdom is passed along to the students and shapes them into the godLy men and Women Cfod intends them to be. Cfod will lead these students on many different roads on the highway of Life. Ebut they are Learning to give the wheel over to the Lord and trust in Llis guidance. W/hateVer they do and wherever they go they will be abLe to serve the Lord with all their hearts and all their souls.
\Vord of Life Likes to see our gentLemen come to class clean shaVen...Looks Like Perrick UummeL needed to shave off that nine o'clock shadow.
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