A group of students gather around the guest speaker during break to gain a Little more insight to the subject frreak time is always a good time to ask the speaker questions that weren't answered in class.
Uannah fuLk iaV.es a moment t o smile. while Daniel FuLk sits thought- fuLLy pendering on the class. Professors Like io see that ihe students are having fun while really thinking about the topic at hand.
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\Vhtf Wouldn’t Want to experience sunny days and perfect pLerida Weather during their first year of ceLLegeP for seme this may have been an influence to why they weuld chese the fLerida campus ever the Mew Yerk campus, but what they feund when they get there Was far mere than just Warm weather. These students feund a family, a heme away frem heme, and this type ef atmesphere affected the Way the class reems Were run as WeLL One of the students reperts. "Yeu ceuld really tell the prefessers Weren't there just te teach us. but te alse build relatienships." because ef the smaLLer class size it wasn't hard fer the students te ask guestiens. and get inVelved with each ether in an academic level. Often yeu can see the students in small study greups. discussing the day's Lessens and enceuraging each ether te exceL in their academic duties. Ifed has truly bLessed the cLass reem where net enly dees the academics and prefessers cencentrate en the mind ef the student but alse en the heart. It’s safe te say that even if the sun stepped shining en the flerida campus the Warmth ef hespitaLity shewn threugheut the campus Weuld be eneugh te get the students threugh the year and en te New Yerk fer Second Year.
One of Florida’s beloved resident pro fessors takes a moment to answer the question of one of his students, students are greatly encouraged by the professors to ask as many questions as they can. Questions also help the professors know that the students are really thinking and not just comprehending.
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