Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

W/ikteria 6tekarska attentively takes netes during ene of the many guest Lec­ tures that ceme and teach in 2nd year's classreem.

The scenery eutside of council hall provides students a pLace to clear their heads, catch a moment aL^ne with Cfod. and hepefully wake up before starting their next heur of class.

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W/eVe all heard the jekes about 2nd year. “So ya missed, eh?". and "ALL Liars go to 2nd year!". There are so many factors that brought so many of us back to this scheeL fer a second year, but mest of us wiLL teLL yeu that we weren’t pLanning the secend trip areund the W/^L&I campus, but semewhere in time (fed placed Llis aLL knowing hand or\ our Lives and brought us to where We are teday. Ceming back to 2nd Year isn’t just abeut finding eur seuL mate, or because we "Lied". It’s abeut finding eurseLves in Christ Jesus. In first year We fecused on TheeLegy and majer beeks in the E>ibLe. \Ve gained aLet of head knewLedge abeut eur faith, but secend year is abeut finding the heart beat of our faith. \Vith courses such as ApeLegetics. where We Learn hew te defend eur faith, and tvjusLim and Jewish EwangeLism where we are taught hew te share eur faith in a Way that WiLL net turn ethers away. (fed is turning these students inte spirituaL Leaders. Second year is a secend chance fer (fed to shape the students inte great men and Wemen ef faith. J)ure lie can de that anywhere, but in a campus envirement fiLLed with se much LeVe and ministry. (fed is abLe te break dewn WaLLs and remedeL us in a Way that WeuLd be difficuLt anywhere eLse. This is a speciaL time te grew with (fed. and just maybe te Let -Uim bring that speciaL semeene aLeng as weLL

Cfeorge Anthony shews off his mad guitar skills during one of the breaks. Its always nice to have a Little enter­ tainment during the breaks.

2nd Vear 23 Academics

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