Wendell Csfilcfer Traveling ELvangaList.
W/endeLL LauLder Visits W/^rd ef Life to teach students in PhiLLipians. Lpehesian, James, and mere
Pr. JoeJ Orfan Pr. Joe Jordan, Executive Pirecter of Word of Life. traVeLs the world holding forth the light of Cfods Word in a darkened uni Verse. J-lis dedication to Christ Is truly shaking the nations. M ike (T^lfurun Pirector of Local Church ministries, ministers in the churches of America. Lie steadfastly adheres to &iblical truths in a time where such absolutes are adamently rejected
Quest Lectures
Jon Pouquet Mursfuell wicks Tom PceVis Mike Lcelfeoun
(shuck 6cfiei((e Pr. peterson Pr. Cfueli Pr. Pjornstfa Pr. Simcox Jimmy Pe^ounq
W ende ll C'A-^er Lcerry Moyer Joe.Jordan Pr. Masters Pon tyufyb(\.r<J Pr. Anderson Jofin W itcomb
P r. T>hoWers Tom Tieylor pritcfiierd 'Ken Triemm Mr. Vipers
Pr. Patterson pic fa rllend
Qeorqe Theis Pr. W leaner
24 Quest |_ecture
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