Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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W/^71_ £>| started these classes in hopes that the students would be able to learn something that was practical and personal to them. i-lepefully not only Were they able to learn from the lessoh but also gain a new perspective from godly examples.

Something old yet with a ntew twist. This year. \Vord of Life started a new Sunday school program that takes place an Sunday night rather than the traditional evening servic^. \Vith a Variety ef teachers and cLass eptiens. students are given the chance to dive inte the \Verd ef £fed in an area mest

applicable te their specific interests.

The classes covered a Large range ef tepics including: \Vhat \Vemen \Vant a class taught by Lyle tlartweLL. a course of EbibLical principles in relationships with others taught by W\\V.e Laton. a Women's enly class taught by K/\s. klirby and the women's staff. PeaLing with cemmunicatien and eur Werds. discerning areas ef the &ible and certain dectrinal truths with klazu klate. and Jasen iJeadlees cLass or\ entertainment. ELveryene greatLy enjeyed the classes they cheese and Learned a Let that they

ceuld apply te their Lives.



students in fvjike E_aten‘s class are net enly able to get a good understanding ef the biblical prin­ ciples in relationships but also have a fun time.


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