f Students
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One can really feel the presence of <LJed when they first step foot on the SI campus. A million thoughts run through the person's mind Like: “\Vhat am I deing hereP". "Is this really where Cfod Wants me to beP". "Yeu mean We can’t Listen to music or Watch T.V.P". or “\\/ew. I cannet Wait to see what Cfod has in stere fer me this year!” for seme this Was going to be a dramatic change te what their used te. fo r ethers this is an aweseme time te Leek ferWard te. Sut fer all ef us it is defnitely a new experience. As the year gees en We discover that the Lerd can de amazing things in every circumstance. \Vhen we cempletely submit eur Lives ever te -Uim, jJe can change eur hearts. W/e seen disceVer that this scheeL is fuLL ef peeple whe LeVe Christ and Want te have fellewship. The E?l gives students a special time te mature, gain aWeseme relatienships. and grew and change with felleW brethers and sisters in Christ.
\Vhite Waiting the twe leng heurs fer his Laundry te be done. Jeel ELlam entertains his friends With his musical skiLs.
Tabitha bleed, April (V|iLLer. Cuzi Ctamatis. lAelsi E>ertz. and Ebri Cfingrich take a mement frem werking te smile fer the camera. The E-mbers" girls are kneWn fer their fun Leving attitude while serving the students en campus.
K/|s. kCirby stands t o cheer f or the i-lusky N/|cn5 Basketball team at one of their games.
Jessica JJarrelL Paniel Watson. Pwight Pena, bill PurceLL and K/larrisa £>lauert all acted together in this years judgement heuse at the LlarVest Jamberee. iJaVing fun With ministry certainly brings peeple together.
C.an'pus Cjreetings F eople
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