Panni Ekysscmus. Rachael Lewis. &o W\ee Ahn. and kCirby .ngell enjoy coffee and entertainment at the Loffee J-louse. This event is always such a great time of fellowship for the students.
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P d - n J o n e s
Qro wing up I Was always heavily involved in my church, including the children’s choir. In second grade the director of the children’s musical picked me to perform a rap solo during an Egyptian style song. Of course I was a bit nervous but mere so excited. The night of play finally came, and the church was packed. The musical Was going great until it was time for my solo, barefooted. because of the Egyptian theme. I stepped up to the microphone. but as I started to sing, pain shot up my Leg and I feel down screaming and crying. \Vith a questioning audience and a frantic director. I managed to choke out the Word. “Splinter.". The play was then over due to the fact the church had erupted into Laughter, even to the point of tears. Llowever. my singing career was far from over. I enjoy singing and writing music and plan on investing my talent in the future for career or even just to glorify Cfod.
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A small group of my friends and I were at a pool and we insisted on playing Various peel games, included the best game ever created, yes. DodgebaLL Our dodgeball game was weLl underway, when one ball shot out of the water Like a bullet. Fortunately. I could come out of the water to snatch the escapee Just then, at the corner of my eye. was another oncoming baLL with my reflexes like a mongoose" I had the capability of dodging the ball but. my mouth Wasn’t as
successful dodging the cement edge. To answer many questions I will say this...Yes. it hurt. No. it didn’t bleed everywhere. Puh. I freaked out.J remember saying on the way to the hospital "I Leave for college in two Weeks and I have no teeth!!’ Then I was reminded by a good friend that it Was Tfods W/iLL" as they Laughed uncontrollably of course.Jm \Vhat are friends for^
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P.Cs. Annie Christ, and C>arah Ebubar, join With 1st year Nicole Peemer. in a Wild and crazy night of fun for all of the W/CL&I campus.
Puring Campus Cfet to know you day Cara ford and Pani &elyea enjoy the fun and games provided by the "Peans of fun”.
(Campus (greeting; 31
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