Andrew fvjerez
Laura fvjesher
K/jartin C^itundu Patrick Murphy
Ashley Nagle
ALLisen Nelsen
Ebryan Nelsen
Darcy Nelsen
A>tacey Neubauer Victoria Nerten
Nicele Nevak
Bridget Nyhuis
I !l
The fans cheering, beys running, girls catching and teams bending was all seen every Saturday night threugheut the fall Quarter. The Pewder Puff girls came eut frem the depths ef the derms te be an erganized intramural spert fer the first time and the guys pLayed hard te release seme ef their cempetitive spirit. At the end ef the seasen it was the L)taff team that centinued te be reigning champiens fer the guys and the Pink Panthers(Nerth & A>euth America and Lngland) held the win fer the girLs.
Left: ELric W\aVone taps inte his aggressive spirit te try and step his cempetiter’s mementum. Rjght: AbeL K/|iLLer fends eff the eppesing defense and with geed ferm meVes the ball ferWard fer his team.
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