K/1<sLissa Rz?wLey
Sennie Rtfb<srts*?n C helsae Rz?by Leann R*?ndy benjamin R^scup fs/jatth^W R^wLey
AshLey Rz>yer PanieLLe Ryssfimus M^uy Saechae Paolo Canjuan Chris Cawd^n
klenny CchLetw
^Lizbet Cchnugger Jonathan ChuLtz
Ebryan Scot t
JaneLLs Seeley
Lane Cheats (^"regery Sheppard
Tabitha Cherman Chris Chiffer
Cindy Chin
VLara Chin
£>etsy Ch reck
Camantha Cick<el
'Uicol ppufjlns What one memory form your dorm will you never forget?
“I dent think I ceuld ever ferget the time twe of my reem-mates and I wrestled f or 1 0 minutes just te see wh o ceuld unlock the door. It was an all eut cat fight. Another time that Went seen be fergetten was the shriek my ELA Let eut when We dumped a bucket ef snew en her in the shewer!" P(*,n Johnson What is one biblical principle you learned that will impact your future?
"Prebabty the mest impertant bibLical principle IVe Learned this year that I will carry inte the future is Learning what faith and believing truly is and hew it is Lived eut practically. I’ve been blessed by getting te knew several peeple en campus whe have demonstrated and Learned these things with me. As far as next year and the rest ef Life. I’m heping te take en an insatiable desire te knew Cfod and Llis \Verd. I see new and am Learning te believe that that is the mest impertant thin. tyfrnnfrh Amferson What one verse has impacted your life and bow?
Philippians 3:1 0 That I may knew jJim and the power of iJis resurrection, and the feLLeWship ef JJis sufferings, being cenfermed te Jjis death.’ “This is what I Weuld Want my Life te be patterned after. This is hew I Want te knew Cfod\ This Verse gives me the strength te make it threw each day."
4 2 Rrst Year Y co pie
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