Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

touah competition Yohane Kaphesi chows down on worms and noodles


breathtaking suspense, nen- step actien. and unbelievable stunts, these are just a few things you weuld expect to see on the hit T.V. shew . fear facter. iJeWeVer this year W/£?L&I decided that JJeLLyWeed sheuLdn’t be the enLy ene having fun. In feur actien- packed nights 18 students get a chance te turn reality

televisien inte reality. As the days progressed the number ef contestants decreased until there was enly ene Left te be declared the fear facter Champien \\/^Lbl-styLe. This was a great time ef feLleWship and an aweseme time te see Live entertainment. A big thank-yeu gees eut te all these whe made this event pessible. JJ M'pp CsfuMnyivvi

|t was a great time of fellowship wi th the other contestants. Winning didn't matter, | just wanted to have fun and do nuj best in all the events | was in.

W\aYe Contesta ntsflcft to right): bean 0'&r\en. Jordan Petrovich. Tkl Paulsen. JJ iJipp. Jarrett Gardner. Abel N/jiLL er. Christopher Zaugg. Pavid freeman. Yohane kdaphesi JiLL tiuizing is trying to determine how she will accomplish the final round. The last task not only made the contestants prove their phyisical skills but also mental. In one big bite. Chris Zaugg tries to take out the whole cream pie! In the first task the participants had to eat several food items between running laps on the track. female Contestants(left to right): £>renda Chapman. Lindsay Clone. Annamarif Perry, brittany CjonzaLes. Bethany W/illiams. iJolly tlodel. klatie Thibault. Jessica llarreLL. Jill Uuizing



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