Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

T ravis Waranawicz 2 Tim 2J5. "5e diligent t o present yeurseLf preve t o (fed as a Workman whe dees net need te be ashamed accurately handling the Werd ef truth" NA65 <?ne Weuld think that sitting in &ible cLass fer 5 heurs a day weuld be mere EbibLe then we ceuld ever handle mest assuredly the time that we spend together as a derm studying the Werd ef Cfod is a vital impertance as weLL. In derm deVetiens We learn te cennect the Werd ef Qod te eur every day Lives and beLiefs and this is key and abselute essential and all life and the ministry ef accurately handling the Werd ef truth.

The men of Llungary gather every night as one of the men share the deVetienal fer the night. Llere Travis gets a chance to share what he is Learning in Coed's Word.

\Vith epen B>ibLe Jenny Warkentien Listen respectfuLLy to her room mate durring derm deVes.

Amy Mallard N/|eli 55 a banaszak

K/|ichael bare

brett Alien Jeshua Almeida

Cor y Armbrecht

Emin beyle

bermann K/jeledy bewers

Rebecca barr

Caleb bitting

AiiLvia blacud



W i ... I.

kl^rtnei brewn

Levi Cheate

N/]atthew Chase

â– Casha Childs

Pavid Cash

klarla br^Wn

46 j^irstYear Y code

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