Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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IJaV<s you eMer stopped to loot, around and take in all that you seeP C\od has created the most amazing and beautiful things. Every­ thing Was created by J-lim for a purpose and they all reflect -Uis beauty, tie has created us in iJis eWn image; therefore. We are set apart frem all the rest of creatien. iJeW can We look at ethers and say that We are different? Of course We may seem different on the eutside but We were a LI created for the same purpese. Cfod shapes us inte Vessels that bring Calory to -Uis name. W/e cannet just look at ethers fer what they are new because Cfod can change semeene in a matter ef seconds. Oh hew great the WerLd ceuld be if we weuld just see peeple fer what they ceuld beceme in Christ Jesus eur Lerd. \Verd ef Life gives students an eppertunity te gain a heaVenLy perspective and te see peeple they way Cfod sees them.

The beauty at Schreen Lake is anything less than breath taking, students are eften able t o see Cfed paint the sky with brilliant celers at sunset

Athletics at W/0L&I extend further than games and practice; they reach inte the hearts ef the \\/<2L£>l athletes se they can reach eut te the eppesing teams. The L]U>f)klY ladies seccer team gained a new perspective this year playing fer different reasens!

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