N/|atth<sW Jenks Andrea Jennings
Pan Jehnsen
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5am Jeanrichard K/]ark Jeffers
LesLie Livingster J 0
Liz kluhn
N/]ike Laber
Jennifer bidder
Lindsey lAnight 5>ae kLeakutsu
Jonathan Lazier
Peter ManWiLLr
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Nate l\Z]artin
CteryV Rasters
Ctrfcdu fction £ 0 0 4 * J ^ A F.v, J f f AT inai (joodbeLj Two years ago students World-Wide came together with one focus. a joint purpose. which was to serve the Lord and to explore every avenue of Llis Word, stepping out of our comfort zones and into strange surroundings, we all took a Leap of faith and found our selves in the midst of WOUs beautifuL chaos, beautiful for their goaL in evangelizing the youth of the World with the (gospel of Christ, chaotic for the extremeLy busy scheduLe
entrusted to eachstudent. At first I’m sure most of us complained and tried every trick to get out of our dreaded work assignments, fearingspending work hours with the oddest of people and wasting time when we could be out doing something so much more important. We've all been there, but then again none of us ever got out. E>ut it’s funny how those who seemed to be so odd in the beginning of the year are now our cLosest friends. Maybe the girl you sat beside second quarter in the J WC is now your "significant other”. The guy in the next dorm room is your best friend. The staff member you work under who seemed so hard when you first met is now your greatest mentor. \Vord of Life provides a unique atmosphere while taking people from so many different walks of Life and entrapping’ them into Work assignments and ministry for an entire year together. And the end result? A type of refining fire. We melt so much under pressure that We suddenLy are forced to rely. Learn to grow, and Learn to stop even when We can't. Somehow. through the trials the heat melts just a Little of a pride, and We Learn dependence. And the product ? friends of the rarest kind. \Vhen We came here. We came with all sorts of expectations. We expected to Learn, and We sat under over thirty of the most amazing men of Cfod who taught us Life principles we can truly use. We expected to find love, and We met other Christians who accepted us and loved us for who we were. We expected to change...&ut that change Was up to you individually. \\/hen people of Qod poured out into your life did you Listen to their words? Pid you let Cfod have control in breaking and reshaping? If you did. then your expectations have been met. &ut if you refused, then what have you gained? WO\Jb\‘s expectation for all graduates is to be equipped and enabled to boldly share the message of. not theirs only, but of our Cjod and Savior, not only in Word but in deed. iJave you met their expectations?
Second Vear P eople
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