Porothy Richards
kJelly Richards N/liriam Ritchie Pamaris Rivera Frank Roberts
benjamin Robinsoi
Lindsay L>tone
J)usan Jbtamatis k Cara Stearns Nathan Ctetski W/iktoria 5tokarska
klelli J)mith
Ebrent \\/hitaker
Abigail \\/hite
Julie L)tromberg
forson L>Wanzy
IdleVin Thomer
Jesse \Veber
The most rewarding and challenging point f or many is the summer quarter, where every student is assigned a summer ministry. It is the culmination of every aspect of the year in one final showdown of knowledge, skill and application. The black and white notes that students burned into their brains all year Long suddenly jump off the page as they are faced With scenarios in day to day ministry. \\/hether on the Ranch Leading young hearts to the Lord, on the IsLand challenging and pushing teens or on the family Campground or Inn, serving families, churches and the Local community, students take their summer and give it back to the Lord and -Uis people.
Indians and Cewbeys are common on the Ranch.
"Jummer ministry totally impacted me by putting me totally in (fod so I could pour out into other girls and know that (fod was using me in so many Ways for jJim." - klara J)tearn
The IsLand beach is ameng ene of the mest popular spets fer the IsLand.
62Second,Y Pr f* eopte
Ebefere the Ebl year. Lelly Cain spent a week on the IsLand as a camper.
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