\\/hen iV|r. Ponley became ill, Lindsay Stone stepped in With determination and zeaL. Not onLy doing costumes but also Working with the Collegians!
V V ° r ^ Y rogra m L to E j EW I: K/|. Jeffers. P. freeman. tV|. iJix^n. EL G>arrieau. RLL P. Y<?ungbL?^d. &. &arn<55. A. McLean. V. Zink iZ. Ang<fL iZ. Th<?nw. \A Piaz. GL ^aL E3: Eb. Ebak^r, J. ELLy. P. Zegers. C. PaCunha, A. W\afer. lZ_ fosse. T. frergmann. Z_ K/|artin. • P. Richards. L tofone, M- -U^ffman. R Pirrncy. R4: L_ Arthur. C. Zaugg. Z). . N/|acshirtf. K/j. Cramer. EL A irm a n . L kluhn. &.Eb. &reWnridge, A iZjLceLLins. P. r| Jehnsen.
hi i V |
LlaVe you missed classP or a testP W/elL, Ashley Mater is the girl t o go to to get your grades back up to par.
1 ■/i S S . " ' ^ * r ' _
"5eing an RA quickly exposed areas in my
“Learning how to be patience and LoVe others is what I have Learned through being an RA. ELphesians 4:15 has become my Life Verse." ~ Llannah fulk, RA of Argentina
s ti
“As an RA I have Learned the onLy Way to encourage one another is to Live a consistent Christian Life. It is not to be a dictator With the handbook but in an act of LoVe. humble ourseLves to place the needs and desires of others before our own.” ~ Cam \J\\ee>5e, RA of Canada
grow in while dj'od used it as an opportunity
to cause me to grow." ~ l\/|ichaeL Lutz, RA of Portugal
R A & W L
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