Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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students frem aLL ever the Werld ceme te the \Verd ef Life bible Institute, each brining different talents and abilities. These students are taking time eut o\ their busy scheduLe te harmenize and Vecalize their talents fer the U7R.P:

CK ancellor^s Address

Dr. Joe Jordan Was saved on Word of Life Island when he Was a teenager. After establishing Word of Life in Argentina, he returned to the United States to become the Executive Director of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc..

We live in a society af ema- tianal extremes —fram an­ ger an the part af same ta Lethargy an the part af ath- ers. (fad's message ta us as Christians is that we wauLd please Llim in everything We da. Paul urged the immature believers at Carinth ta "be ye steadfast, unmaVable, al­ ways abaunding in the Wark af the Lard." (I Car. 15:53) In an aften upside daWn Warld. (fad Wants us ta shine by aur steadfastness and gentle firmness - never ruled by aur erratic ema- tians. This cames anly by aur facused. Willingly surren­ dered abedience ta the cam- mands af aur 5aViar. In a Warld filled with furar and rage, (fad Wants us ta be na- ticed by aur happy, stead­ fast demeanar in everything We da. Certainly this Will please the Lard!

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Every Tuesday night \\/£?Lbl students gather in the J\Vfc fer Prayer bands, dividing in greups the student coder the werld With prayer. These five guys are committed te pray fer the countries ef A>euth America.

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