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j t t v^ampus/ jviarne Broadening Their Own Surroundings
r w the <£?ff campus students, attending \Verd ef Life Was net just the easy next step. Instead, many cheese te take ene year frem their already structured schedules and lives in erder te be enVeLeped and trained further in the Werd ef (fed. Living in the Lecal cemmunity, these students cemmute daiLy te class and attend specialized chapels that better fit their scheduLe. Their testimenies, steries. experiences, and backgreunds are aLL different, but their heart is the same: te study and practice the Werds ef Christ, whatever the cest. Their presence has effered students the unique eppertunity te experience life perspective threugh the eyes ef ethers, se different frem themselves.
E-eW I:L-R j ELric Andersen, t)co tt -UurLey,Frances Drenth, David Drenth Efew 2-A>haWn Sutler, klevin W/iLsen, David (fress, Jeremiah Curry, Chris (bawden Missing- fLizbet (bchnugger, 6enja W/eidman, M^e EJch
Off r.ampus 67 A n l ^
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