Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005


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Ctudy heurs are fun fer every ene! Jeey Pamm Leeks Like he is having fun!! being the first te get a het sheWer in the merning. hitting the sneeze butten at Least 5 times befere getting up, and evening WrestLing matches...these are just a few things yeu WeuLd expect frem the guys’ derms. \Ve can Learn a Let in the cLassreem but seme ef the greatest Lessens We Learn are in the derms. \Ve have te Learn hew te get aLeng With eur feLLeW brethers in Christ and use the eppertunity te make LifeLeng friendships. 0\ course it is net heme but, Werking, studying, and spending Lets ef time With each ether sure makes it feeL Like it is. The meaning ef bretherLy LeVe is reaLLy shewn in these guys’ Lives. The memeries made in the derms wiLL net be fergetten as they centinue te grew spirituaLLy in their WaLk With Christ.


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. I %'i , , eed Laundry meneyPP AbeL N/jiLLer. Andrew fvj have fun With their metaL detecter. ‘ ,|T , ? , ,**T ( fK| / » |

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The cemmen spert in the guys derms is WrestLing. Leeks Like Jesh W/eed has the upper hand in this match.

(jutjs Dorms 69


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