w t L>f. ownhouses
j ne nonor or living m dorms —G ir ls—
The Leek ef this reem can get yeu mega "P-Peints.” <TrLs, I think yeu need te de seme cleaning!!!!
Cnly an interesting use ef Werds and theught can truly capture the essence ef derm Life fer the W/erd ef Life Wemen. Therefere, a fermuLa ef the mest cempLex nature Was censtructed in an effert te eutLine in pure ferm the true \Verd ef Life derm experience here at \\/CLBT A lot of girls + not a Lot of space/community bathrooms = communal colds, close friendships, shared pain and innumerable inside jokes. Perm memeries are unfergettabLe, and the grewth is irreplaceable. Living in clese quarters, girls are given the eppertunity te Live in the Largest family imaginable. Their sisters (in Christ) are censtantly there With a Werd ef enceuragement, an inside jeke, er a stery ef what (fed is deing in their Lives. W/hen cenflicts arise, persenalities clash, and emetiens rise, girLs get te experience first hand the true meaning ef humility, fergiveness, gracieusness and LeVe. The friendships deVeleped behind the clesed derm deers and in the Late night talks befere Lights eut WiLL unquestienably Leave an imprint en the Lives and hearts ef the Wemen at Verd ef Life.
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