Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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K/lireLLe Cpector Academics

fay Phillips

Tern Phillips Ebecca Robinson Chuck .Ccheide Associate Executive PeanPoan of \\/omen Academic Pean

Elizabeth Newby PC

I Ivjargaret TruxeLL Verna Culinary Services


N/Jichael Specter




,Asst. Pean of

He-!: \ViLL Never Crumble [Vjeeting two years ago at a singles group in Jeffs church in Couth Carolina, they Were living Very different lives. Jess \VoLLfe. a coLLege student in her Last year of nursing school. had exploding dreams of mission Work and a Ph.P. in the medical field. Jeff, Working at a local bank, Led the singles group and participated in ether areas of ministry within their LocaL church. Coon a friendship between the two grew into something deeper as they realized the Value of their friendship slowly progressing. "tie Was just my best friend," Jess remembers. Cix months after their first date Jess and Jeff Were engaged. Eby their marriage on April 12, 2.003. both Jess and Jeff were confident of (fod's caLLing in their Lives to fuLL- time ministry. A short four months after the wedding, Jeff quit his job,

completely unsure of what Cfod had planned next. The Very next day \\/ord of Life EbibLe Institute contacted Jeff offering him a position on staff for the following year, with doors open and opportunities flourishing, the newlywed Cordon’s packed up and headed f or


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5Chr„n L L NY. What tt* futur, h.Lds f»r 1* ?*'?«’ % Icenter it on qod. this couple is unknown, but as they Walk in '

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... !♦ Pont pursue the relationship with

faith and rely on JJis guidance, they WiLL undoubtedly do great things for iJis gLory. They are planning Life International in Thailand. T

. . . , each other, focus on qod and allow r ^

, r Tv/ Tic l^im to build your relationship,

to start a Work for Word of 1

"It’s been fun having your best friend Live with you" - Jess (EJordon

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