Mary, mother of Jesu s (/\bby ~7~opldns ) and j ohn the disciple ( 5 en Roscup) mourn at the foot of the cross. jJie crucifixion scene is one of the most intense and moving scenes with its realism of the cross and emotion of the crowd.
fMSion fltMJ ~]~he story of C'hns (_.hrfet gXj^speciaLLy within the Last decade, where so much of J-loLLyWood and media have Latched on t o the generaL premise of theistic out look, the story of Christ and JJis saving death have taken on a new significance. The im portance of a true portrayaL of the Life, death and resur rection of the Jesus Christ is desperateLy needed for a cuLture who now portrays Jesus, as the prefabricated “nice guy," who through hugging a few chiLdren. and mak ing a few “good moraL suggestions’ is mereLy good ex- ampLe of how to make it in this worLd. \Vord of Life and its production of the Passion pLay defy such demoraliza tion and Views of tfod, offering hope and direction to a Lost and dying WorLd, beginning at Christ's triumphaL entry, much of the Words spoken on stage are direct from Scripture. Elabo rate costumes and props, set changes, and poWerfuL mu sic drive home the message Christ’s Love. Perek Pe’Cambra, a retired broadway professional Elizabeth NeLson and Ivjike Laymon work with the actors for Long hard hours a month in advance to produce a show that is truLy Life changing. Those inVoLved in the production, take their ministry much further than the stage, many taking the opportunity of the portrayed saLvation message as a chance to further win souLs for Christ, students Line the aisLes at the cLose of the production, in readiness for hearts in need of guidance.
82 Y assion P k i
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