During the performance a few cast members take a moment in prayer together for their feLLoW students and the effectiveness of the production in the hearts of the audience.
The lights and ^unds o\ Christmas is a pr^ducti^n filled With vivid costumes, imaginative scene changes and fun famiLiar meLe- dies that reaches eut to yeung and ^Ld aLike. W/ith its reminiscent rration and flarry EboLlback, au- carefree World where the happy endings seem just around the corner. Thfi full-sized rendition of the "Twelve Pays of Christmas.' AO's opening, punctured by radio n; diences are transported back into a touch the hearts of imaginative children, familiar tunes such as "frosty the Snowman" and ‘jJaVe Yourself a N/jerry Christmas" bring the audience into the Christmas spirit. Ebut Sights and Sounds of Christmas is intended for so much more than to celebrate the season, in reverence, Christ and tJis miraculous birth is the main point. A candLe light procession to e three french hens and alL)
Silent Night" and finally the calm audiences to give Worship to the true
manager scene remind and caLl giver of all gifts. The (gospel of and offered, and through this a hope they never knew before
Christ’s saLvation is dearly presen ted amazing production many have found in the Christmas season.
Michael Punn. Christina C>tark and E_ric W[alor\e decked out in AO 's fash ion get ready f or the sh^W.
Rights and sounds of {^.hristmas 85 M in istries
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