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The minute you stepped onto the Word of Life £>ible Institute campus, you became familiar with the infamous names of Jack Wyrtzen, Llarry Ebollback. Cfeorge Theis. and Joe Jordan. These names have become synonymous with hard work. dedication, evangelism, and the miraculous Works of Cfod. Ebut these great men are mere than just names. Their Lives are extraordinary examples of hew te Live yeur Life sold eut fer Jesus Christ. Their ministry has evolved into ene ef the greatest Christian organizations World-Wide. The sun never sets on Word of Life”. And it all started with one man’s desire to share the Cfospe L. Jack \\/yrtzen established Word of Life in I94C. and began to conduct Weekly radio broadcasts in New York City. This quickLy progressed to youth rallies, where many young people Were led to Christ. In 1946. Word of Life Island Was bought for a mere i>23.000 and thus began Word of Life’s ministry in t>chroon Lake. New York. Curing this time. JJarry &oLLback was introduced to the evangelistic outreach of Word of Life, at first by playing the piano for Jack’s street meetings in New York City. Then, in 195(9. jJarry and -UaroLd Reimer went to the jungles of EbraziL to work With the Indian inhabitants of the Land who had never heard the Cfospe L before. Cfeorge Theis joined them there, and Later Went to Recife. EbraziL. to start another Word of Life camp in that area. Cfeorge Was also instrumental in the starting the first Word of Life CLub. in Lakeland. Florida. jJe returned from EbraziL to become the second director of Word of Life fellowship, after Jack Wyrtzen handed down the reigns. Lastly, our current President is Joe Jordan, a man who. Like many of us. dedicated his Life to the Lord Jesus Christ on Word of Life IsLand. jJe Later Went on to serve the Lord, starting Word of Life in the mission field of Argentina, and stiLl to this day continually preaches the Word of (fed. W/hile these men are some ef the gedliest individuals you can ever read about, they are not atone. Their perspectives helped them to see the werLd as Lest Witheut Christ. They recegnized that they might be the enLy EbibLes that seme people may ever see. as sheuld yeu. \Vhether yeur missien fieLd is Argentina. EbraziL. New Yerk City, or even Cichreen Lake; whether yeur eccupatien is that ef a business man. paster, er even just a student, the peint is that yeu. tee. can make a difference, and it starts by UCLDIN^ T-LlEL \VCRD O f L l fP
Cfeerge Theis began his ministry With \Verd ef Life as the athLetic directer ef the \Vt?L IsLand. then meVed en te starting the &ibLe club ministry in plerida. After several years in flerida he Went te Recife. &raziL te direct the \Verd ef Life Ministry there.
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