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Theresa EburLn. Andrea Jennings. CherrL Masters. JiLL i-luzing. Pan Jehnsen, Pave A>pcrring, TyL er Collins. Chris &ewles, Jeey Pamm One Voice
Cra ig £>eyer. J)am Jeanrichard. Lindsay A>tene. PhiL Wegner. Panese Phillips, Rachel passer. Carissa Pavis
Jenny \Varkentien. Andrew W\oroz. klatie Thibault. Panni Ryssemus. Vf\arcos LsteVes. Susanna W/icks. W[\V.e Laber. Pat &rewn. ELric 6karland ttoW /wv5 this ministry imyfrcte-d, your hefcrt this ye-fcn "Seeing peoples expression as you. sing, made me really think about the Words I Was singing and "The ministry is awesome because there is some
"being a part of 'Victory ELnsemble” has stretchd me to see how I can’t do things on my own, and how I need to always do things With the right motives." Pan Johnson
"Eyeing on "&y Cfrace," I had to constantly remember that it's net about us performing but showing the Love of Christ through the talents the Lord has given us." kLatie Thibault
accountability too. It’s Like Tod just totally picked out who fie Wanted to be on the ensembLe. and tie has definitely used all of us." tvfke Laber
reminded me to stand in aWe of Cjod; net to just give Qod Lip services but reaLLy praise J-lim from my heart." Jennifer \Varkentien
86 R inging; Q [£ u ^ s Ministry
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