Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

Jesus Christ, played by Jeremy -Ueikkinen, is pertrayed WenderfuLLy as eur SaVier. l\/|ay the Lerd have all the glery fer all the amazing things JJe has dene fer us.

ALyssa Adams. PaVid Armbrecht. &rett CreWeLL. Jessica LlarrelL Dan L^Wrie. tzco tt Kitchener. Janelle &en E^scup. Abby Tompkins. pleriane Travers and Nate &enjamin

Jeel Cerrales. Christian pink. Nicole garland. Chad CJerden, Jeremy iJeikkinen. Andy IngerseLL Jennifer klnerr. K/|eledy N/|iLLermc?n and klara Stearns

Drama - prent ReW: Ebrett Alien. David Ceek, Jesh \Vade. JeeL CLenik &ack ReW: klasey Rising. Lleidi (fewer. Rachelle Celsen, Natalie (feedman

t>co tt Mitchener and Nate E>enjam\r\

Janelte Nddtitt. Alyssa Adams. Andy IngerstfLL and Christian pink

Janelte M^ffitt. Alyssa Adams. Jessica Uarrell and pterianfi TraVers

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