mall audiences Were grouped and given a surreal. “schooL tour” ebsen/ing the Life of tw o students, fight scenes, and persecution buiLd up to a school shooting, where gun shots ring, chaos overwhelms narrow hallways and the audience is ushered past realistic portrayaLs of crying students and terror. Then in silence they enter the judgment room. heLL. and heaven. Overall the (gospel is presented half a dozen times and eventually each person in the audi ence is faced with same choice: W/iLL they re ject or accept ChristP challenge to share our faith coupled with reap istic portrayaLs of domestic Violence, broken homes, broken relationships. aLcoholism. apathy and suicide challenged teens to Look into their Lives and cling to the hope of Christ defying apathy in the Light of something more. y A portrayal of the entangLement of sin brought on by -Catan and this World, until the death of Christ frees us from the strings of sin. -Jim E-LLiot and the team of men who risked their Lives for an unreached tribe in the depths of Ecuadorian Jungle. ^Leader’s theater style wiped the stage clean of distractions and lepended solely on the audiences imaginations md the Lord's guidance. The challenge reached to the audience and the team as well with the question: \\/hat are you Willing to sacri fice for the cause of Christ?______________ ,
Robbie fisher. Lcett tjitchener. and ALyssa Adams preform in the drama dene fer the Jarvest Jamberee.
Fieriane Travers and PanieL LeWrie in the "bridge of B>L oo£ Prama.
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